Small Manufacturing zoning in a retail area is the making of this commercial industrial Estate.
Freedom for small industrial businesses or retail with manufacturing or production onsite, car parking facilities, beautifully presented Estate to attract a healthy customer base and have a feel good working environment for positive productivity and efficiency.
We encourage service type businesses to Poppet Head Estate because of the easy to find location and plentiful parking, we have a large range of Automotive Services, Homemaking Services and Government & Public Service type offices.
Product and Services Longevity at this location, is the secret of our success to our every day customer base.
Poppet Head Estate is not Industrial and not Commercial, we are a niche centre of commercial industrial zoning which allows an industrial centre to have a powerful commercial customer base.
Poppet Head Estate has Industrial 3 zoning which basically allows light industry that has low level noise issues, air-borne emissions or emissions to land or water and normal level traffic flow for a typical commercial business.